Pokémon Mimikyu Sidekick Collection
A Pokémon in Disguise: Mimikyu!
Time to hide under a totally perfect disguise! No, that’s not Pikachu—it’s the Mimikyu Sidekick Collection, featuring the spooky cutie Mimikyu as a clip-on dangler for your backpack, key ring, or lanyard, and also as a playable foil promo card. Confuse opponents with copycat trickery, or just revel in the mystery of Mimikyu!
The Pokémon TCG: Mimikyu Sidekick Collection includes:/p>
A foil promo card featuring Mimikyu
An awesome dangler featuring Mimikyu
3 Pokémon TCG booster packs (Each Sun & Moon Series booster pack contains 10 cards and 1 basic Energy. Each XY Series booster pack contains 10 cards.)
Cards vary by pack. Packs may vary by product.